Nursing and healthcare team

Nurse practitioners

Nurse practitioners are registered nurse prescribers who have completed additional training and as a result, are able to assess, diagnose, treat and manage illness and disease.

You may be offered an appointment with the nurse practitioner as an alternative to the doctor. For more information, please ask a member of the reception team.

Mrs Pat Totton


Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings.

The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, carry out cervical smears and assist with minor surgery procedures.

Ms Alison Stewart 


Andrea Simons 


Sarah Brown


Healthcare assistants

Francesca Bell-Winfrow

Health visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.

Attached staff

We have a team of district nurses, a community matron, a midwife and a palliative care nurse, who work alongside the practice. We hold regular meetings and enjoy a close working relationship.